When Disaster Strikes, Will Your Lights Be On? Hurricanes - Tornados - Earthquakes - Terrorism: All pose the threat of disrupting electrical power for days, even weeks at a time. Today, more than ever, we rely on emergency standby power generation to meet real and potential threats. But how just how reliable are these systems? Fact is, they are only as dependable as the fuel they burn. That's why many of these systems will fail when they are most needed! Generators At Major Risk From Bad Fuel!
The situation is worsened by the fact that in the production of today's modern fuels, new "cracking" processes have been implemented that actually cause today's "clean fuels" to degrade much faster than those produced years ago! As a result, many "consumer" grade stability additives, once adequate, no longer get the job done. But there is an answer.
The PRI-D used by these facilities is also available in the same industrial strength in our smaller, consumer packages. Today, PRI-G for gasoline, PRI-D for diesel and kerosene, and Power Start makes that protection available to all. With one simple treatment about every 18-to-24 months, PRI will keep your fuel fresh in storage for 2-to-10 years, depending on initial fuel quality and storage conditions. Not only will PRI make even the freshest fuels even fresher, PRI also restores severely degraded and stale fuels to refinery freshness! How can you be sure? Independent Tests Confirm PRI Effectiveness Independently conducted comparison tests of PRI's industrial-grade chemistry against other "stabilizers" confirms that PRI is unmatched in preserving and restoring all fuel types. Please note: The length of fuel preservation is affected by original condition of the fuel and storage conditions. For maximum protection, follow the annual re-treatment regimen. PRI Maintains Engine Reliability
PRI Provides More Power, Economy Because PRI actually prevents carbon mass from forming in fuel under the heat and pressure of combustion, more of the fuel burns, giving more power to your engine! This mean you use less fuel to get the same level of power output, giving your engine more fuel efficiency. When every precious drop of your stored fuel counts during an emergency - PRI is there to help you make it through. PRI Is GENERAC® Tested & Recommended
PRI Is Sea-Tow® Recommended
DON'T DELAY! Demand is Greater Than Ever! PRI treatment of fuel supplies is critical for anyone maintaining back-up generator systems or generators for marine and RVs. To fail to heed this information could mean the failure of your system when you most need it! Don't delay. Demand for PRI from public utilities, commercial firms, emergency services and private individuals has soared in recent months! PRI - Industrial Marine Power For All Marine Engines Power Or Sail - No boater today should be without PRI's industrial grade marine fuel treatments in every tank - the same PRI chemistry dosed online into the fuel of the world's great ships and commercial marine vessels. Unlike "consumer-grade" fuel additives, PRI chemistry is an industrial product designed to protect the world's largest engines against the world's worst fuels. That's why PRI is unmatched in providing protection to your marine engine and fuel system. Find PRI today at Boater's World, West Marine, Camping World, and our network of marine stores, marinas and marine fuel suppliers. Your boat or RV sits. The fuel goes bad. And you're facing major expenses getting things back in shape. Protect your treasured investment and your pocketbook against the costly effects of fuel system gum and varnish. Protect with PRI-G. Independent laboratory tests confirm no other product is as effective as PRI-G in preserving new fuel and restoring old fuel to refinery freshness. That's because refinery-grade PRI-G is an industrial concentrate - much stronger and far more effective that "consumer" brands. In fact, PRI-G contains the very same PRI chemistry used by commercial industry for maximum fuel preservation. If you want only the very best protection for your boat or RV, - settle for nothing less than PRI-G! Prevents carbon deposits:
Increases power & performance Engine running rough at idle and doggy on the take-off? No doubt your engine is choking on fuel system deposits and gas that's been rotting in your tank the last several weeks. While we can't promise you'll catch big fish, or keep the rain away as you head up the highway, you'll feel power and smoothness like you never have before. Whether over rough seas or up high mountains, PRI-G will provide power and acceleration when you most need it! Go with PRI-G!
Preserves & restores fuel freshness like no other
Independent laboratory tests confirm no other product is nearly as effective as PRI-D in preserving new fuel and restoring old fuel to refinery freshness. That's because refinery-grade PRI-D is an industrial concentrate - much stronger and far more effective that "consumer" brands. In fact, public utilities, hospitals and municipalities depend on the same PRI-D strength to keep stand-by generators running when emergencies hit. If you want only the very best protection for your boat or RV, settle for nothing less than PRI-D! Prevents carbon deposits Nothing wreaks more havoc on a diesel engine than abrasive hard carbon deposits. PRI-D literally prevents hard deposits, dramatically reducing liner, piston, ring, valve and turbocharger wear. Too good to be true? Just ask the chief engineers aboard the ships we service or the maintenance managers of our onshore fleets. Take a look at our piston comparison photos. PRI-D's enhanced thermal stability chemistry will keep your engine running longer and farther than you ever dreamed! Treat every tank with PRI-D! Stops soot build-up Soot blackening your beautiful transom or new RV? Proud boat and RV owners love PRI-D for keeping things shipshape. That's because PRI-D reduces diesel smoke up to 60 percent - the source of the problem. Your equipment will look better, you'll breathe easier, and have more time for the things you love doing. Insist only on PRI-D - the professional's choice! Eliminates tank slime & sludge from algae Tired of constantly changing those expensive spin-on filters because of algae slime? While biocides like our own PRI-OCIDE are effective in killing algae, they don't eliminate the slime produced by decomposing microorganims. In fact, algae slime sinks to the bottom of your tank, building up a layer of muck that can choke filters and leave you stopped dead when you hit rough seas or bumpy roads. Biocides are also not fuel stabilizers - they do nothing to preserve fuel stability! That's why you need PRI-D! Only PRI-D dissolves the nasty slime and sludge that results from algae infestation. PRI-D also preserves your fuel to maximum freshness - actually eliminating the conditons that cause algae growth. Eliminate expensive fuel polishing and tank cleanings. Don't let your tank be a bacteria graveyard! Supplement your PRI-OCIDE treatment with PRI-D for every fueling!
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